School Rubric

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How can educators leverage this cultural shift to enhance learning, build relationships, and foster engagement—especially in diverse classrooms with English Language Learners (ELLs)?

Language is a dynamic, ever-evolving phenomenon that reflects culture, creativity, and connection. In today’s classrooms, students …

The seeds of integrity are planted in every social emotional learning lesson you deliver in your classroom.

The leaders of tomorrow are sitting in your classroom today. What skills do those students need …

These habits of mind and values serve as cornerstones for our society, for and to the benefit of our global community, and in the interest and goal of propelling humankind forward in positive, progressive, and collaborative ways in an age of new exploration, living, and being.

Almost every application you open now has some kind of AI powered tool or enhancement feature …

Dr. Ford with Booker T. Washington Scholars

After thirty years as an educator, my most impactful years were during my tenure as principal …

Innovation Center High School Neuroscience Students Exploring syGlass Virtual Reality

Implementing real-world neuroscience research in a high school setting can be a transformative educational experience for …

As a mindfulness educator, I advocate for the integration of mindfulness-based teaching and practices along with the five social emotional learning competencies espoused by the Collaboration for Academic and Social Emotional Learning.

Over the years I have had to come up with some creative ways to connect mindfulness-based …

Increase the capacity for conflict resolution in your classroom by teaching mediation skills to every student.

Often an educator can feel more like a referee than a teacher during a school year. …

“Our emotions are a part of us. They can impact our cognition and our behavior. How do we simply leave them at the door?” It’s a false dichotomy. 

I remember hearing many years ago during multiple education training sessions, “Leave your emotions at the …

Think like a life coach and give your students the tools to be their own life coach.

At the very center of teaching is the element of guiding or coaching your students both …

The role of a coach is immense. Not only do you have to provide guidance, encouragement, …

A group of students visiting the exhibit about Home.

Above: A group of students visiting the exhibit about Home. I like to think of the …

Leah's Voice is a story that touches on the difficulties children encounter when they meet a child with autism or special needs.

“I love you!” Is what every parent hopes their child will say to their new baby …