
More Than Meets The Eye: Using ChatGPT to Transform your Teaching
If you’ve ever heard of Transformers, you’ve probably heard of...

ChatGPT Won’t Replace High School Teachers Anytime Soon. Here’s Why.
With all of the recent hype about ChatGPT replacing everybody’s...

Unlock Mathematical Connections: Best Practices for Engaging and Effective Mathematics Education
For nine years, I taught mathematics to an array of...

Teach Kindness and Transform Your Classroom
Can you teach kindness? Kindness is a character trait and...

Is it magic or science? No, it’s Physical Education!
Think of the last time you went bowling. How long...

Finding the Balance Between Teaching and Leading
While there are exceptions, most educators who enter school administration...

Do or Do Not – There Is No Try: Secrets on how to be a Culturally Responsive Educator
Welcome back! Everyone settle in and settle down. Before we...

3 Reasons This Is My Toughest Year Yet
I’m going to try not to make this post all...

How I Use Portfolios
This article was originally posted at reimaginedschools.com. Inspired by Mike...

The Taboo of the Childfree Teacher
When we talk about a childfree woman, many of us...

The Looming Teacher Shortage and What We Can Do About It Now
Ask almost anyone to list the most influential people in...

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Instruction
In this series, I have been using a backwards design model of...