School Rubric

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Wellness in International Schools | Global Take

In this episode of Global Take, we tackle an ever-growing concern in schools worldwide – wellness. Our panelists will discuss what wellness means to them and what roles they think schools have in terms of staff and student wellness. All of the panelists will talk about the wellness initiatives they have been a part of and the impact they have seen. If you do not have a wellness program at your school, you will want to tune in and leave with ideas that you can implement right away.

Please join Dr. Sadie Hollins (Head of Sixth Form, Lanna International School), Cassandra Till (PE Teacher, IS Manilla), Mike DeNeef (Athletics and Activities Director, AIS Dhaka) and host, Dave Horner (Director of Athletics & Student Life, Inter Community School of Zurich) on this episode of Global Take.

  • 0:00 Global Take Introduction
  • 2:17 Guest introductions
  • 4:25 What does wellness mean to you?
  • 14:20 Differences between “wellness” and “wellbeing”
  • 17:36 What wellness programmes have you been a part of that have had a positive impact?
  • 26:10 In your experience, have there been any positive changes from the pandemic?
  • 31:53 School Spotlight: International School Manila
Global Take
Global Take is an initiative by SchoolRubric to help connect, inform, and share stories and strategies specific to international schools. Through live episodes, school spotlights, and more, we strive to share our passion for international education and ultimately help improve student outcomes in these global communities.