School Rubric

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Assessment Policies That Impact Student Motivation | Vantage Point (Catarina Song Chen, Myron Dueck)

“Assessment” and “student motivation” are not two phrases that may be regularly associated, but a re-examination of each reveals the opportunity for schools to craft assessment policies that help students become more engaged, motivated, and inspired by their learning.

Join Catarina Song Chen (Director, American School of Belo Horizonte, Brazil) and Myron Dueck (School Administrator, Author, Educational Consultant) as they take a deep dive into our latest Vantage Point conversation with SchoolRubric.

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  • 0:00 Vantage Point introduction
  • 2:17 Moving into school administration and educational consulting
  • 5:40 Assessment policies that impact student motivation and learning
  • 9:40 Main ideas of the book “Giving Students a Say”
  • 14:10 Lessons learned from the pandemic and our “new normal”
  • 19:40 Opportunities through interacting with educators on a global scale
Catarina Song Chen
Experienced, Innovative, and Fun International School Director with a proven track record to turn schools around with Key Result Areas focused on Performance, Enrollment, Finance, Sustainability, and especially School Culture. Skilled in Public and Private Education, Accreditation, Governance, Nonprofit Organizations, International Curriculum, Athletics, STEAM, Mentorship, Professional Development, Diversity, Service and Action, Social Entrepreneurship, Communication, Technology Integration, and Spinning. Professional with strong work Ethic. Balanced lifestyle. Polyglot. Recipient of National Distinguished Principal Award from NAESP and the United States Department of State in 2015, and Recipient of Klingenstein Heads of School Program Fellowship in 2017 from Columbia University, New York City. Graduate of UCLA and Pepperdine University, Southern California. Third Culture Kid. Philosophy. Yin and Yang. Home is where the Heart is.