Wallace Ting author page

Dr. Wallace Ting is an experienced teacher, Principal, School Director, and University-level Researcher who has worked in Texas, New York City, Colombia, Guatemala, Nigeria, and Florida. He helped co-found SchoolRubric and serves in an advisory role for the non-profit organization. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida with his young son, Phillip.

Pandemic Exodus: Where Have Public School Students Gone?
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the education...

Addressing the Achievement Gap in Low-Performing Schools: Exploring Effective School Improvement Policies
The achievement gap in low-performing schools is an issue that...

Unlock Mathematical Connections: Best Practices for Engaging and Effective Mathematics Education
For nine years, I taught mathematics to an array of...

The Coaching for a Greater Purpose (CGP) Conference
The CGP Conference is the brainchild of several Athletic Directors...

Good News Broadcast Competition Winners
SchoolRubric is proud to announce the results of the GOOD...

Distance Learning for Exceptional Learners
On March 16, 2020, my world and the world of...

The Common Denominator in International Schools: How a standardized test just might be the most common characteristic international schools share
In February 2015, five months after having closed its physical...

Thank You Teachers – Always Giving Your Best
Click above to view the video. We take a moment...

Reflecting After 34 Years in the Classroom
Jon Delos Eldridge is currently a retired teacher from Washington...

6 Tips to Make Your Instructional Videos Shine
Over the past decade, online education has become an increasingly...